Facilities & Technology
Reading to children and encouraging them to develop their literacy habits is one of the most important commitments a parent or a teacher can make because of the profound impact it can have on a kid’s mental health, academic abilities and thinking processes. In fact, with so many distractions and other forms of entertainment vying for people’s attention, the importance of reading with children has never been more evident
Science Lab
Doing science projects helps develop a child’s resourcefulness, particularly their skills at goal-setting, planning, and problem-solving. It also nurtures intellectual curiosity, helping children acquire new ways of asking questions and understanding the world.
Computer Lab
Computer in education have become an absolute necessity today and are so ingrained in our daily lives that not knowing computers can become a significant liability. We believe in computers at school as one of the easiest ways to gain knowledge apart from the books. It’s for this reason that we conduct regular computer classes to enhance our student’s knowledge and skills.
Music Room
Helping children learn to evolve their skills through self expression is of high importance. Music and movement enhances fine and gross motor skills in a fun and interactive fashion.
Arts & Crafts
Educators tell us that art encourages fine motor skills, neural development, and problem-solving abilities and that it can be used effectively to teach and understand other key subjects such as reading, writing, math, and science.
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